Friday, 28 December 2012

Christmas catch-up

Just the five of us at home this year so it was a very laid-back Christmas.  No visitors, no schedule, no dressing up - just a very relaxing, laid-back couple of days. 

Nobody stirred until after 8am on Christmas morning - now that we have three teenagers in the house the 6am starts are a thing of the past.  8am is so much more civilised!

MrG did all the grocery shopping and all the cooking.  Christmas has always been his time to shine in the kitchen, he has been in charge of our Christmas food since the children were small.  He enjoys cooking, trying new recipes and experimenting with ingredients but doesn't get to spend much time in the kitchen unless he's on holiday.  Our lunch was a resounding success.  I do feel very lucky that I have a hubby who enjoys cooking! 

I really enjoyed the Christmas cookery programmes on the run up Christmas - Hugh, Nigella and Jamie.  They really get you in the mood don't they?  On Christmas Eve, after watching one of Jamie's programmes I was inspired to 'attempt' to make his Snicker semi-freddo and a chocolate meringue nest to have on Christmas Day instead of the traditional plum pudding.  My 'attempt' was amazing - lovely chewy meringue with creamy, nutty, chocolatey ice-cream.  Yum!

My only other tasks were to set the table and clear up the wrapping paper.  I know I'm spoilt!

Alf had a great time in the wrapping paper - jumping, diving and snuffling.

We were all pleased, delighted and 'chuffed to bits' with our presents.  

CK played a big part in my pressies this year!

I have really enjoyed having the time to catch-up and read the blogs I follow.  It's so nice to see the Christmas decorations and baking and to  read about family's and fun times.  Some blogs have such beautiful photos too - I really do need to take more photo's (a New Year's resolution?) to add to my blog. 

I hope you all had a great time over the Christmas holiday. x

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