Wednesday, 31 July 2013

♥ 52 Weeks of Happy (28-31/52) ♥

Well, well, well.  Where did I disappear to?

I really didn't expect to be away for sooooo long.  I knew the house move and the 'settling in' would take some time and I knew I wouldn't  have much spare time to sit down at the computer and keep my blog up to date but the weeks have just flown by and I have fallen so behind with my ♥ 52 Weeks of Happy ♥

I have wasted some time too by dithering and deliberating - do I just jump back in to blogging or do I try to do a quick catch-up?

Well, I have now decided that I would like to so a quick summary for my own record as much as anything.  So much has happened over the summer and I've taken so many photo's that it would be a shame if I don't give them a quick mention.

So here goes... July's happy moments include...

MissG's 16th Birthday

MrG's 49th Birthday

A house move (lots more photos to follow in a separate post)

A job interview - the first in over 20 years!

I have had quite a few jobs but I've just never had to go through interviews.  My last formal interview was in 1986 (now that is showing my age) and was with the Regional Council Education Department where I went on to work in the Further Education Bursary Department and then the Special Education Department.  When MrG and I moved house I left my post and returned to work for my Dad in the family business until I left to have my 3 babies.  I was very lucky to be able to stay home to look after them and I enjoyed that time so much. My first job after that was covering maternity leave for the receptionist at the design studio where MrG worked so I didn't have to have an interview.  My next job was doing a part-time admin role for my friends husband so again no interview required - we just met in a cafe for a chat!  When MrG then went on to set up his own design business I joined him to do the admin and I'm still there doing a couple of days a week. I just felt it was time to do something new - so new house - new job?  Well we'll have to wait to see...

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