Sunday, 24 March 2013

♥ 52 Weeks of Happy (12/52) ♥

It's week 12 and I'm doing quite well keeping up with my ♥ 52 Weeks of Happy ♥ posts.

This week my four 'happy' moments are a bit random.

1.  Working from home.  I've set up a desk on the kitchen table, cosy and warm and only two steps away from the kettle - a constant supply of 'builders brew' keeps me going throughout the day.

2.  My Sis and I had fun burning rubbish - there's something exciting about fire isn't there?  The kids had a good clear-out and there were so many magazines and old school books that we thought we'd have a little fire.  It took ages and we were reeking of smoke when we'd finished.  It would have been so much easier loading the car and taking them to the skip but obviously not as much fun!

3.  My first completed cushion.  It's a bit basic but I'm chuffed to bits with it.  I didn't think I'd ever be able to crochet so completing this has been quite an achievement.  It's amazing what you can pick up on You Tube.

4.  House hunting.  I know it's a bit premature as we haven't put our house on the market yet but after looking at loads on the internet I felt the urge to look at a couple of houses this week.  It was a really good start as I loved both of them (for different reasons) and it has spurred me on to get the last few DIY jobs done so that we can get our FOR SALE sign up.

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