Friday, 28 September 2012

therapy - acupuncture and retail

Recently I have had a few acupuncture sessions at a local acupuncture clinic.  I had not tried  acupuncture before but have always been intrigued by it - what would it feel like having needles stuck in me?  What effect would it have, if any?  Could it help with my anxiety issues?  I have always been a bit of a worrier but I've been feeling over-anxious over the last month or so and it has made me feel so tense, irritable and weepy!  I decided to 'give it a go' a few weeks ago and have just been for my 4th session.  I find it so relaxing - I can honestly say that I leave the clinic with a spring in my step.

Today I followed my appointment with a quick dash into town to do some admin jobs - post office, bank and stationery supplier.  I decided that I should also try some retail therapy.  A trip into Boots for some chemisty things and a browse around the gifts.  They have a lot of Christmas stock in now and although I don't want to start thinking about Christmas just yet I found myself drawn to have a leisurely browse because the aisles were so quiet - they won't be like that in December!

I found this pretty trio of tins - I bought one for myself and one for a gift

and a rubber stamp set - I'll be able to use these on my hand-made gifts I'm planning to make for Christmas

I haven't started making anything yet as we are just into October but there are a few ideas buzzing around in my head.  I have been squirreling away fabric, ribbons, buttons and some lovely decoupage paper.  My sewing machine is poised for action - just waiting for me to get my act together!

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