Sunday, 27 October 2013

♥ 52 Weeks of Happy (43/52) ♥

My happy moments this week include:

We came home on Wednesday afternoon to find we have new neighbours.  We have some herdwick sheep in the field next to our house - they have cute little faces.

I bought some wool for a new crochet project.  I treated myself to some Rowan Pure Wool - it's the first time that I have spent so much on wool but I'm hoping to make something stunning!

I made a start with some granny squares.  I'm loving the colours.

This week I also made my first ever quiche.  Well I probably made one at school in the '70s but haven't made one since so I count this as a first.  Salmon and broccoli quiche - yum. The photo makes it look quite burnt but it wasn't really!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

♥ 52 Weeks of Happy (42/52) ♥

Oh boy what a week.  I feel shattered.  I have been feeling as if I have a cold coming on over this last week and I've had a sore throat, headaches, achy neck and shoulders.

Apart from going in to the office a couple of days I have tried to stay cosy in the house all week.  I have been keeping myself busy with some craft projects though.

It only took a couple of evenings to make myself this hot water bottle cover and I am so pleased with it that I may attempt to make a couple of colourful covers for Christmas presents.  I have threatened my family that they will all receive a crocheted item for Christmas!

I also had a go at making Christmas cards - they are so home-made looking that I may not actually send them!  The thing is I love cards and I'm sure to see some that I just have to send instead.

On Friday I had to go out to attend a course.  *Big Confession *  I had to attend a speed awareness course after being caught speeding.  Naughty me!  I have no excuses for doing 34 in a 30 zone but I would just like to say that I was on a straight open road approaching the village and hadn't reached the houses where I would of course have slowed right down.  I am such a cautious driver and have driven for 30 years without any offences so I was quite upset.  My son, who hasn't passed is test but is currently taking driving lessons said there are no excuses and said "it's 30 for a reason", which is true of course.  Slapped wrist for me.

It just so happens that the hotel where I attended the course was right next door to Hobby Craft so I met my sister and we enjoyed some retail therapy.  Today, she came round with her felt and we made the Needle-felt Robin from Kirstie Allsopps Craft book.  I am really, really pleased with my little Robin.

On my drive too and from work I pass a lady's house that has a little stall at the roadside with plants, cut flowers, jams and chutneys for sale.  Last week I pulled over for the first time to take a look.  It was the bright orange lanterns (Physalis) that caught my eye.  A bargain I think at £2.50 so I popped the coins into her honesty box and came home to play with them.  I say play because I spent quite some time deciding what to do with them.  I tried hanging them along the beam in my dining room, then I tried arranging them in 3 different shaped vases until I finally found one to keep them upright.  They have been in my kitchen/dining room for over a week and I have enjoyed the bright cheery colour.  Today I decided to have another play with them and arranged the lanterns around a hoop and made this wreath for my front door.  

Sunday, 13 October 2013

♥ 52 Weeks of Happy (40-41/52) ♥

I am almost up to date with my blogging backlog.  Here's a quick summary of weeks 40 and 41 of my 52 weeks of happiness...

I don't know if you remember but I attended an interview back at the beginning of July, before we had even moved house.  You may remember that it was my first interview in over 20 years.  Well surprise, surprise (as Cilla would say) after not hearing a word for 3 months I received a phone call to offer me the post.   I'm pleased and anxious in equal measure at the moment but I'm sure everything will be fine! Doesn't everyone feel apprehensive when starting something new?

MissG has coped really well with her first few weeks at her new school.  I'm really proud of her as I know it's been hard for her.  We had our first parents evening and her teachers said some very positive things about/to her.  She is taking A'levels in Media, Art, Sociology and English language.

Another first for us was having our chimney swept!  We had a gas fire at our old house and always wanted to replace it with a wood burning stove but we never got round to it - maybe it was the cost!  So we love the fact that we have one here in our new home.  We thought we'd be sensible though and have it swept before lighting it.  And look... isn't it lovely.

And another first.  This cushion.  Now look at it closely.  Isn't it lovely?  Well I know to you it's just a pink cushion but... well to me it's a major achievement.  It is my very first attempt to do two things - making piping and inserting a zip.  Woohoo I did it.  I am chuffed to bits with it - it looks so much more professional than my other hand made cushions.

I should also point out that this chair, this gorgeous chair, is my long awaited make-over chair.  This project has been on the go for months and months.  In fact I mentioned it here in May when I bought this chair and matching stool on ebay for just £53.  Since then my chair (and stool) has had a make-over by the fabric fairy - well, no not the fabric fairy but Trish at Trish Hart.  She has made a fantastic job and I am delighted with it.  It stands pride of place in the dining room and is mine, all mine - permission must be granted to sit on it!