Wednesday, 9 May 2012

please ease off

I wish the sun would come out and get me out of the house and into the garden.  It's not a good thing to be cooped up in the house with a computer - ebay is just too tempting!  I take myself off for a little browse most evenings and have spent a little too much of late (in fact, I didn't realise just how much until I made this list - oops).

a little computer table for under the stairs - fits perfectly and looks good

(photo to be added)

a M&S jacket - a bargain at only £1.04

(photo to be added) 

a couple of zip and link beds - for our guest room

(photo to be added)

a new worktop for my craft room as I feel the need for more work space

(I'll show you when it has been installed)

a little glass trinket dish to go on MrG's bedside table for his loose change!

a couple of scarves to go with my new grey jacket


a pair of sandals to go with a new blue polka dot top

a butterfly cross-stitch - just because!


I fancy this cross-stitch too but have resisted temptation (so far)

 and I'm holding back on this garden bench too as we already have three benches in our garden - it is a nice one though and would look lovely under our porch.  I'm still tempted...

Has ebay got a hold on you too?  I'd love to hear from you x

Friday, 4 May 2012

may the fourth be with you

I'm not at all into Star Wars but heard this on the radio this morning and thought it was quite funny! Anyhoo, it's Friday evening and we all have that lovely Friday feeling knowing that we have a whole bank holiday weekend ahead of us. We have no plans at all as MrG will probably be working all weekend (boo-hoo). What I would like to do more than anything is to get my fabrics out and do some free-hand machine embroidery. I have lots of ideas for pictures, cushion covers and more... and I'm sure I could get some of them down on fabric tonight ready to embroider tomorrow. I'm quite excited by the prospect.

MissG has also got some sewing/fabric work to do. She has just started her GCSE Textiles project and her brief is to design and make a child's dress. She has already done an ideas board and will develop it to design her own dress then gather fabric samples and ideas for applique and embroidery. It sounds like fun to me!

MissG is also hoping to go to the cinema with her friends to see The Avengers. Has anyone seen it? I heard a film review on the radio and they were raving about it. We are with LoveFilm as my boys are really into watching films. I'm not that bothered about films as I find it hard to sit still for so long. The best time for me to watch a film is a Sunday afternoon while I'm standing doing the ironing! I have a film for this weekend though - Burlesque, starring Cher and Christina Aguilera, as my sis said she enjoyed it.

What do you think the weather is going to be like?  It has looked as if it was going to rain for the last two or three days but it didn't come to anything - is it saving it for this weekend?  I hope not.  I'd like to get into the garden to plant up some sweet peas and verbena.  I'm also going to buy geraniums this year because I love the blooms and find them so easy to look after and they flower all summer long.  I'm not so keen on petunias as although they look very colourful they forever need dead-heading and they're all sticky and horrible.  I'm sorry to say that I've already killed off the cucumber plants my sister gave me (she'd brought them on from seed and presented me with 10 plants).  I left them out overnight by mistake and now they don't look very happy.  If we were to get some nice sunshine this weekend then they may revive - I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend whatever you're doing.  Have fun!